Set 410 Reunion

Fifty-five years ago, nervous and naïve, we met our other Set 410 colleagues for tea in the Luckes. Almost to the day, in April, fourteen of us met for a reunion lunch at Cote in St.Christopher’s Place, London.

Present were a friend from Canada, one with a portable oxygen cylinder who suffers from long covid and another also in a wheelchair having had recent open heart surgery - what troopers making such an effort. 

Our slightly battered set photo appeared, reminding us of absent friends and brought back memories of sixties’ life at The London; going down to Mary for our milk ration and sitting in the corridor after our shifts. Long and close friendships formed and maintained. 

Whilst most of us have now retired, two are still working in healthcare also, during the pandemic, one returned to be a covid vaccinator.

As we raised our glasses to absent friends, we looked forward to our next wonderful reunion.

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