Now Available

Replacement RN and EN Badges
We are delighted that we now have both RN and EN London Hospital badges which we will only sell to current League members who were trained at The London Hospital/The Royal London Hospital, and who were in Set 520 or earlier. Sets 520 completed their training in the summer of 1993.
Replacement badges will be supplied, if available, to Londoners who have been League members for more than 12 months. Please wait a year after you lose a badge before requesting a replacement.
RN badges cost £120 plus £8 postage, UK only. EN badges cost £80 plus £8 postage. Due to difficulties with overseas customs clearance, we no longer post overseas, but are happy to post replacement badges to a relative in the UK.
Please note: Orders are currently via email through the 'SHOP' link, or write to: Dr Sarah Rogers, 24 Gordon Road, Sevenoaks, Kent, TN13 1HE. Please remember to complete the form here and send with your application email.


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